5 Top Tips on How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Have you ever said to yourself: “I don’t know what I’m doing.”  “Any moment now, someone’s going to catch me out.”  “Why did I even attempt this?”  “I’m feel like such a failure. A total, absolute failure.”  If you have, then you are amongst 70% of people who suffer from Impostor Syndrome. Impostor Syndrome is…

How to be Supported When Building Confidence

According to Reach.com, a confident person: does what they believe is right, even if it’s unpopular is willing to take risks admits their mistakes and learns from them is able to accept a compliment is optimistic. Many people are not naturally confident and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. This often comes from negative past experiences and…

Why You Need to Love Yourself…First

I’m a true believer that Love begins at home. As Pierre Corneille said “Self-love is the source of all our other loves.”It is important to Love yourself first if you want others to do the same. If you’re on a plane and something goes wrong, they always tell you put on your own oxygen mask first before you help others, even children….

How to get a Mentor?

A mentor is someone who offers their expertise (experience, knowledge and skills) in a specific area to help and advise someone less experienced, over time, to develop their skills and their goals through confidential conversations and other learning activities. It’s essential that you are clear on why you need a mentor, understand their role and build a…

How to Achieve Work/Life Balance

Mastering work/life balance can be very challenging to conquer.It’s inevitable that one will win over the other from time to time, but here are the 2 main things I recommend to help you with Work and Life planning: Urgent-Important Matrix The Urgent-Important Matrix also know known as the Eisenhower Matrix or Covey Quadrant prioritises tasks by urgency and importance, sorting out less urgent and important…