
Monika's Story


Monika Agoston is a Health & Wellness Specialist and Motivational Speaker with a passion for helping people to put their physical and mental health first, and achieve their fitness goals.
In 2017, Monika founded Egos Are So Yesterday (EASY), a cycling community organisation that encourages cycling for pleasure and getting more people to participate in sport generally.
Monika is also an Ironman Finisher (2019) and an active cyclist.

I decided to attend the Time to Shine course because I was feeling unfulfilled at my work and was looking for guidance on how to make the change as I had been wanting to for a while. I believe I heard about Time to Shine at the right time. Maybe if I heard about it before, I might have dismissed it as I wasn’t ready to make a change.
I think it was the first step I took towards making big life changes. I’m so happy I did and so happy I met Yaa. She was put on my path to mentor and guide me, I’m sure of it.

I can say with 100% certainty that attending the course changed everything for me. It was the starting point of change in my mindset, habits and behaviour.
I also met other women on the course who were struggling with the feeling of wanting to make a change, but not knowing how. It was great to encourage and be encouraged by them. Everyone should attend this course!

The course gave me more confidence and positively shifted my mindset. I went from thinking “I can’t do it” or “it’s too late” to “I can do it” and “it’s never too late”.
I now believe I can make the changes I’ve been wanting to for so long.

"Time to Shine gave me more confidence and positively shifted mindset.
I went from thinking 'can’t do it' or 'it’s too late' to
'I can do it' and 'it’s never too late'."

I love how much I’ve changed since attending Time to Shine. I now realise my life and career has to align with my values and ultimate purpose. I’m now training as a life coach and building my own business. I take advantage of opportunities learn and grow, and push myself to do things outside of my comfort zone. For example, doing more networking. I am more open and confident about my abilities.

To maintain my new lifestyle and continue becoming the best version of myself, my biggest new habit is listening to podcasts – I love them! They are so inspiring and motivating, especially listening to them first thing in the morning. I have learnt a lot listening to stories of how people have achieved their goals and dreams.

I also participated in other various programmes and workshops which have encouraged me to dream bigger and set my intentions. For example, using Yaa’s Goal Planning worksheet, I have written down what I want to achieve and how I’m going to do it.

This all motivates me, and I feel more energized and excited every day.

My biggest lesson is that it’s not too late to start or to dream big and that I can do it. We are all capable and fear is nonsense!

"I love how much I’ve changed since attending Time to Shine.
I now realise my life and career has to align with
my values and ultimate purpose. "

I would highly recommend the Time to Shine course and I think everyone should attend it. It’s life changing!

My next big challenge is finding a more purposeful and meaningful role in my career that aligns with my values. I will create a work-life balance for myself where I enjoy the work I do (mostly 😊).

I am also continuing to train as a Life Coach, build my business and taking advantage of opportunities that come my way.

You can connect with Monika here:

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